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  • Margarita Titilas

A Starry Night!

Updated: Sep 20, 2019

We have been inspired by Vincent Van Gogh in Grade 4 Art, our unit of study was looking at how Van Gogh used the elements of line, tone/value and shape. Each Grade 4 class worked as a team and collaborated on the materials and techniques they would use in their version of 'The Starry Night'. We took appropriation to the next level by looking at how to suggest line and shape with mixed media.

Before we launched into this project, I conducted a series of mini workshops to show students how to use different materials and experiment with techniques. Students documented this process and had a lot of fun just experimenting with different materials!

To raise the stakes, we added the 'competition' element to encourage collaboration and communication around design ideas. The criteria for voting was based on the variety of materials students used, colors and the clarity of the subject matter. We talked about how we could include younger grades eg. Kindergarten in the voting process so Grade 4 students decided on the voting standards and criteria.

Amazing artwork came out of this project as students learnt from each other and took initiative to help one another. Students not only became invested in the competition process but wanted to know more about Van Gogh and Surrealism so we extended our look into his life's work and experiences. My Grade 4's were hooked! They eagerly wanted to paint the 'The Starry Night' in one color scheme and experiment with tones. We looked at the famous 'air bnb' replica of Van Gogh's room in Arles and delved into his paintings by watching clips of; 'Loving Vincent'. Our Van Gogh study was made complete by students creating their own bedroom versions of Van Gogh's room... It's safe to say that my Grade 4 students will not forget or rather 'let go' of Mr. Van Gogh and although they are big Grade 5's now they still ask me about the mysterious VVG and when we can create more 'appropriation'??

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